Ascend Forms
Please Read Thoroughly
We understand that most of our registrations come from Youth Pastors that are registering their whole group at one time. Because of this, we decided to make a separate place to upload all the release forms that are needed for each student. We did this because we understand that these forms need to be signed by a parent/guardian and waiting on forms from a few students could hinder your ability to register your group in a timely fashion.
We STRONGLY suggest uploading the documents here in bulk or emailing us a dropbox link/zip file with all the signed docs of all your students. You can also email us with your forms or bring them to camp with you.
1. Download the Forms
Remember, there are three forms that need to be signed by a parent or guardian for each student.
The forms in the packet are:
1) Civil/Medical Liability Release
2) Swimming Release
3) Heartland's Participation Release.
2. Collect All the Forms
Once all of your students have returned the signed forms, just add them to a file on your computer.
Title the file [YourChurchName]-Ascend-Forms.